Sunday, August 23, 2020
Generation of Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation
Age of Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation Age of Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation from Intense Laser-Plasma Interactions utilizing Two-Color Harmonics BRIEF HISTORY In the course of recent decades advancements in the creation of serious laser fields have implied that multi-terawatt and even petawatt frameworks are presently standard in laboratories**. This has been accomplished through decrease of the beat term, initially from nanosecond beats down to femtosecond and as of late arriving at attosecond levels (1as =10-18s)**. This combined with significant enhancements to frameworks, for example, the twittered beat intensification strategy (CPA)**, has permitted laser heartbeats to be enhanced to higher pinnacle powers than at any other time and utilized in laser-matter communications. The subsequent logical drive from improvements, for example, these pushed feasible laser forces from 109W/cm2 to the 1014W/cm2, at which the collaboration between these high power lasers and thick sans electron gas was studied**. Recently on account of advances in both laser execution and PC reenactment devices has concentrate on laser-plasma connections in the age of HHG gained ground, giving the likelihood to produce wellsprings of incongruous electromagnetic radiation of short frequency and heartbeat durations**. As further examination was completed on the collaboration of light with relativistic free electrons in plasma, it has arrived at a point now where age of high-sounds of the crucial laser, delicate and hard x-beams, and shorter heartbeat length (1as) lasers of powers arriving at 1018W/cm2 are presently possible**. Because of this the age of high-request sounds from high-power laser associations has been a significant zone of attoscience examine inside the most recent decade. HHG PRODUCTION High symphonious age (HHG) alludes to the procedure wherein a high power laser beat is engaged onto an objective, traditionally a respectable gas, where solid nonlinear connections bring about the age of extremely high music of the optical recurrence of the pulse**. This will happen for forces of 1014W/cm2 or more, where regularly just a modest quantity of this vitality is changed over into the higher sounds. From these high-sounds, spatially and transiently lucid attosecond beats of extraordinary bright light can be produced, which would then be able to be utilized as a solid wellspring of profoundly tuneable short frequency radiation in a wide range of uses for example x-beam spectroscopy**. On account of high power laser-gas collaborations this is accomplished by fitting the force of the laser beat with the goal that its electric field adequacy is like the electric field in the objective atoms**. From this the lasers electric field can expel electrons from the iotas through passage ionization, so, all in all the electrons are quickened in the field and, with specific conditions controlled, are made to slam into the recently made particle upon recombination. The subsequent crash creates the emanation of high vitality photons**, as appeared in fig 1. Fig. 1: HHG three stage model. This is known as the three stage model; electron is separated from particle through passage ionization, at that point quickened inside the field away from iota, at that point quickened back towards molecule where it impacts and recombines, from this crash all the vitality lost shows up as transmitted HHG bright photons. HHG from laser-gas associations have been utilized broadly to produce attosecond beats yet is constrained in transition and photon vitality by low transformation efficiencies between the driving laser vitality and the attosecond beats, this can be ascribed to two key components; loss of stage coordinating between the driving laser to the created outrageous bright (XUV) radiation as its spread through the gas over a generally huge separation, and a limitation on the force of the driving laser because of the ionization edge of the objective gas, this immersion power is generally 1016W/cm2**. Which means laser powers over this edge breaking point will over-ionize the gas leaving no nonpartisan iotas left to create the XUV music. The utilization of laser-strong cooperation offers the chance of arriving at a lot higher attosecond beat forces and age efficiencies past the abilities of gas based HHG**. The strategy for producing high-sounds in laser-strong connections is on a very basic level not quite the same as that of laser-gas cooperations. Communication of extreme ultrashort laser beats (of heartbeat span around a couple of femtoseconds) on an optically cleaned strong surface outcomes in the objective surface being totally ionized, producing a thick plasma which will go about as a mirror, called a plasma mirror**. The impression of these high force laser heartbeats will be influenced by a wave movement set-up in the electrons inside the plasma surface making it mutilate the reflected laser field, bringing about the creation of upshifted light heartbeats and the age of high-request harmonics**. Because of the cognizant idea of this procedure, these produced music are stage bolted and rise as attosecond beat. Fig. 2 Laser beat moving towards overdense plasma. A key property of this plasma is its electron thickness, this decides if the laser is reflected, ingested or not permitted to go through. This is known as the thickness angle scale length, as the laser beat connects with the objective and structures a plasma it makes a profile that stretches out into the vacuum, shaping a plasma thickness profile. This is a basic factor in HHG and comprises of two districts: Overdense scale length, Lod On the off chance that the electron thickness is equivalent to the basic thickness of the objective or above, stretching out up to the most extreme objective thickness, the laser beat can't enter through the objective and is so reflected or consumed. Underdense scale length, Lud On the off chance that the electron thickness is underneath this basic thickness the laser will infiltrate through, with some retention. Fig. 3 Plasma thickness profile, Lud is underdense locale, Lod is overdense district. The basic thickness is resolved from: Where is the precise recurrence of the laser. As expressed before the objective surface is exceptionally ionized by the main edge of the laser beat, known as the pre-beat, accordingly getting quickly over-thick and making a plasma reflection of adequate electron thickness, ne>nc**. HHG inside plasma requires laser powers >1015W/cm2 for 800nm field**, which is generally expressed regarding a standardized vector capability of aâ 0, where: In which; e and m are electron charge and electron mass individually. c is speed of light in vacuum. E is the sufficiency of the lasers electric field. I is the lasers force. à â⬠°l is the laser recurrence and Þ⠻l is the laser frequency. In this manner HHG in plasma requires in any event an a0㠢â⬠°Ã¢ ¥0.03. As of late is was discovered** that there are two components that lead to HHG from strong thickness plasma surfaces; Relativistic wavering mirror (ROM) Lucid wake discharge (CWE) These two procedure bring about various contortions to the reflected laser field and hence a totally unique consonant spectra delivered. CWE Reasonable wake outflow is a procedure of three stages; Electrons on the outside of the plasma are brought into the vacuum by the laser field and quickened again into the thick plasma once they have picked up vitality from the driving laser field. While spreading inside the thick plasma these quick electrons structure ultrashort packs, making plasma motions afterward. Inside the non-uniform area of the plasma (delivered from the thickness slope between the plasma-vacuum limit) the electron motions will emanate vitality as light of different neighborhood plasma frequencies found inside this inclination. This procedure will happen once for each laser cycle along these lines the range of the produced light will comprise of music of the laser recurrence, in which CWE consonant spectra have a cutoff at the most extreme plasma recurrence à â⬠°Ã¢ â pmax **. This system is dominating at decently relativistic powers of a0㠢â⬠°Ã¢ ¤1, and short yet limited plasma slope lengths of **. Lucid wake emanation has as of late been recognized as a factor in HHG in laser-strong associations yet it is realized that it alongside ROM adds to the age of high-consonant requests underneath à â⬠°Ã¢ â pmax and the quality of their individual impact beneath this limit is controlled by laser intensity**. ROM The other component engaged with the age of high-sounds from laser-plasma connections is the relativistic swaying mirror process, this commands for relativistic standardized vector possibilities of a0>>1, albeit late examinations have demonstrated that ROM music can be watched even at lower powers when the plasma angle length is about **. ROM process happens when surface electrons in the plasma are swayed all in all by the high force occurrence laser field to relativistic rates, the plasma will reflect what it sees as a laser beat of recurrence à â⬠°+. This à â⬠°+ recurrence is a higher upshifted recurrence of the key heartbeat because of a Doppler impact delivered from the overall movement of the laser field to the moving reflection point on the wavering plasma surface. The genuine reflected laser heartbeat will have a recurrence of à â⬠°++ because of a second Doppler upshift impact as it moves towards an eyewitness/target. This is known as Einsteins relativistic Doppler impact, in which the reflected heartbeat recurrence is upshifted by a factor of 4ãžâ ³2**. Fig 4. Schematic of a relativistic wavering basic thickness plasma association. From past research it has been discovered that from this system a force law rot scaling of I(n)ROMn-8/3 is prevailing (where n is the symphonious request) in the consonant range for consonant requests over the CWE cut-off point, nCWE,** this is the consonant request identified with the adage
Friday, August 21, 2020
Handscrolls in the Song Dynasty or in Tang dynasty or you can compare Essay
Handscrolls in the Song Dynasty or in Tang line or you can analyze - Essay Example Gu lived during the Jin Dynasty (265-240) and is known as a the author of the old style Chinese composition. The overwhelming style of painting during the Jin Dynasty was scroll compositions. Gu was from Wuxi family and filled in as an administration official when still of a youthful age. Gu was a painter as well as composed a few sonnets and articles. He got an opportunity to go to numerous spots and he would record his encounters as sonnets, articles or compositions. He is a significant figure in contemplating Chinese craftsmanship history (McCausland, 43). This paper takes a gander at Gu kaizshi centerpieces and examinations the particular attributes of these tormenting as a method of getting understanding into the style utilized by Chinese craftsman during the Jin tradition. Nushi Zhen ââ¬Å"Admonitions of the Instructress of the Ladies in the Palaceâ⬠) This is one of the most archived compositions by Gu. This artistic creation is received from Zhag Huaââ¬â¢s lecturing c ontent that subtleties the correct conduct that women in the Imperial Harlem should appear. This parchment is made of direct citation from the writings which are trailed by outlines as far as painting. The artistic creations were made with ink drawn on silk materials. The works of art in this hand scroll are totally different from those of the Han tradition. Dissimilar to the past artistic creations the figures in this hand scroll have described outward appearances indicating feelings (McCausland, 560. This shows an advancement towards the formation of representations with the figures demonstrating singular characters and isn't general like the past pictures. A case of this depiction is found in scene 10 when a woman moving toward the sovereign was shocked by a motion of his raised arm. Gu utilizes long even strokes of his brush that show the whirling of the drapery. One can likewise peruse the articulations on the two characters included. A significant part of Gu painting in this p archment is the strokes. He utilizes uniformly tight and long strokes without a great deal of expansion. This sort of line was named as spring-silkworm-spitting-silk line. It was the most punctual line style utilized by Chinese craftsman and it was not until Tang line where the specialists began utilizing progressively enhanced line strokes. Gu was additionally constrained as far as the hues used to paint the clothing worn by his characters. This is on the grounds that the shading utilized was just ink either ochre or vermilion ((McCausland and Gu, 356). Gold was utilized in speaking to ornamentation in ladies. Gu gave a ton of consideration to subtleties as found in his gem and this clarifies why it was conceivable to portray his figures. This was obtained by other craftsman and it now conceivable to tell a personââ¬â¢s character from the way they are shown in pictures. Sprite Of Luo River This is another gem which has added to the development of the advanced Chinese craftsmansh ip. This masterpiece depended on a sonnet composed by Cao Zhi. This craftsmanship can be viewed as an achievement in the progress from figure painting to scene painting. It is from the Jin tradition that craftsmen began to perceive the ground-breaking impact of nature as setting was currently observed to be a fundamental piece of showing topics in artworks. The beginning depends on the narrative of the value Cao zhi meeting a fairy by the Luo River. This story is found in a sonnet composed by Cao zhi himself. The sprite was the girl of a legendary ruler called Fuxi. This is a bound sentiment since the divine beings and human can't wed as they live in various universes. This type of workmanship additionally shows the
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Sound Energy Examples
Sound Energy Examples Sound Energy Sound energy is the energy produced when sound waves move outward from a vibrating object or sound source. These waves are sources of pressure that move through air, water, or other materials like metal or wood. This type of energy is actually a mechanical energy source. When the air molecules around the sound waves begin to vibrate, the sound waves are carried. This movement causes a chain reaction to occur as more and more air molecules are made to vibrate. This causes the motion that carries sound waves to the ear, and the ear recognizes the waves as sound. Sound energy relies on the ear picking up the vibrations, so the further the listener is from the source of the sound, the less vibration he will be able to feel. That will result in less sound for the listener to hear. The size of the object that is generating the sound energy will produce different types of sound waves, based on its relative size. Since sound energy relies on a medium to carry the vibrations, sound must travel through air, water, or some other medium. The vacuum of space, for example, will not carry the sound waves on vibrating air molecules (due to the lack of air), so there will be no sound. Examples of Sound Energy: 1.Musical Instruments We've all enjoyed a musical concert before, and have probably noticed the different sizes and materials of the various instruments. The larger instruments tend to have a deeper sound, while the smaller instruments produce a higher pitch sound. Likewise, whether the instrument is made from silver, brass, wood, or other materials will have an impact on the type of sound it produces and how loudly it can be played. 2.Doppler Effect When an emergency vehicle with a siren approaches, the listener may hear a different pattern to the siren as the object closes in. The same is true of an airplane flying overhead; the engine will have a different sound when it is still farther away than when it is directly above the listener. This phenomenon is known as the Doppler Effect, and is named after the scientist who proposed it, Austrian physicist Christian Doppler. This effect has to do with the frequency of the sound waves. The closer the listener is to the source of the sound, the closer together the sound waves are. When the listener is still far away, the waves have had the opportunity to radiate apart, so the sound is not only quieter, it is a different pitch.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Philosophical And Sociocultural Influences On Educational...
This history or education is robust in the number of philosophical and sociocultural influences on educational theory and practice. According to the Taking Sides text for ED833, ââ¬Å"Historically, organized education has been initiated and instated to serve many purposes ââ¬â spiritual salvation, political socialization, moral uplift, societal stability, social mobility, mental discipline, vocational efficiency, and social reform, among others.â⬠The changes that result in education stem from the ever growing and shifting needs of students and society. Furthermore, political demands, sociocultural differences, community expectations, parental authority, and professional difficulties cause contending educational theories and ideals. With the numerous differing philosophies, internal and external influences, and historical effects, education must bend and mold to fit its purpose. The idealist tradition, which dominated much of the philosophical and educational thought until the 1700 and 1800s, separates the material world from the spiritual and mental world. Socrates and Plato laid the foundation for Western philosophy and science. Plato believed talent and intelligence was could be found in children from all caste systems. Unlike Socratesââ¬â¢ emphasis on questioning, Aristotle continued developing scientific thought and investigation. Aristotleââ¬â¢s realism period focused on ethics, rhetoric, natural science, and psychology. Furthermore, he aimed for education to produce good andShow MoreRelatedThe Philosophical And Sociocultural Influences On Educational Theory And Practice958 Words à |à 4 PagesThis history of education is robust in the number of philosophical and sociocultural influences on educational theory and practice. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Short Story - 950 Words
Over three hundred years ago... How did I get here? His lips moved but everything else was quiet. Too quiet, too still. He was sitting with his legs swung over the bed, elbows on his knees. Sunlight bled through the window, casting shadows across the wooden floor. It made him angry. Its not fair. Rage rose slowly like a body might through water, filling up his chest until he felt whole, but it only lasted a second. That wholeness slipped like blood through his fingers and suddenly he was just a broken man mad at the sun for shining. The assassin looked down, reaching to brush his fingers upon the blood stain at his feet. He found it funny, that not one of the servants had been able to wash away the stain when there hadnt been a traceâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Enzo Arobynn did not cry, weapons did not weep. Day 3,408. I can do this. He rose from the bed and dressed, halfway through buttoning up his shirt when she rolled onto her back and stretched, perfectly comfortable as the sheets fell away and she cast a laz y smile towards him. For some reason her eyes did not sparkle when they light hit him, they had always been like marbles. Reflective and cold. Good morning, Love.Lins voice was a soft coo, it did not sound like ringing bells as Kaltains had, it was not the low, smooth rumble of quiet thunder like Nixons, nor was it smooth as a violin strings like Vestas honey tone. It was rough and raw like nails on a chalk board, damaged by smoke from the fire that Lin had breathed into her soul. In that moment, hands frozen on a button, he hated her. He hated her more than he ever had, he told himself, and in the next second some part of him wanted to love her too as she blinked sleepily at him. I do not love you. Enzo said so softly that he knew she had not heard, because he said this as he dressed after waking up in her bed, and if it was possible to hate himself more than he already did then he felt it. And then, after a very slow moment he realized he had not said it at all. The assassins fingers crept to his lips and passed gently over Adoras carefully stitching in gold thread. He couldnt even tell real silence from his own thoughts anymore. He felt it with every slow beat of hisShow MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words à |à 5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:à à Characteristics â⬠¢Shortà - Can usually be read in one sitting. â⬠¢Concise:à à Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.à à This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot â⬠¢Usually tries to leave behind aà single impressionà or effect.à à Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. â⬠¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringingà personal experiencesà andà prior knowledgeà to the story. Four MajorRead MoreThe Short Stories Ideas For Writing A Short Story Essay1097 Words à |à 5 Pageswriting a short story. Many a time, writers run out of these short story ideas upon exhausting their sources of short story ideas. If you are one of these writers, who have run out of short story ideas, and the deadline you have for coming up with a short story is running out, the short story writing prompts below will surely help you. Additionally, if you are being tormented by the blank Microsoft Word document staring at you because you are not able to come up with the best short story idea, youRead MoreShort Story1804 Words à |à 8 PagesShort story: Definition and History. Aà short storyà like any other term does not have only one definition, it has many definitions, but all of them are similar in a general idea. According to The World Book Encyclopedia (1994, Vol. 12, L-354), ââ¬Å"the short story is a short work of fiction that usually centers around a single incident. Because of its shorter length, the characters and situations are fewer and less complicated than those of a novel.â⬠In the Cambridge Advanced Learnerââ¬â¢s DictionaryRead MoreShort Stories648 Words à |à 3 Pageswhat the title to the short story is. The short story theme I am going conduct on is ââ¬Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mittyââ¬â¢ by James Thurber (1973). In this short story the literary elements being used is plot and symbols and the theme being full of distractions and disruption. The narrator is giving a third person point of view in sharing the thoughts of the characters. Walter Mitty the daydreamer is very humorous in the different plots of his dr ifting off. In the start of the story the plot, symbols,Read MoreShort Stories1125 Words à |à 5 PagesThe themes of short stories are often relevant to real life? To what extent do you agree with this view? 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And with thatRead MoreShort Story Essay1294 Words à |à 6 PagesA short story concentrates on creating a single dynamic effect and is limited in character and situation. It is a language of maximum yet economical effect. Every word must do a job, sometimes several jobs. Short stories are filled with numerous language and sound devices. These language and sound devices create a stronger image of the scenario or the characters within the text, which contribute to the overall pre-designed effect.As it is shown in the metaphor lipstick bleeding gently in CinnamonRead MoreRacism in the Short Stor ies1837 Words à |à 7 PagesOften we read stories that tell stories of mixing the grouping may not always be what is legal or what people consider moral at the time. The things that you can learn from someone who is not like you is amazing if people took the time to consider this before judging someone the world as we know it would be a completely different place. The notion to overlook someone because they are not the same race, gender, creed, religion seems to be the way of the world for a long time. Racism is so prevalentRead MoreThe Idol Short Story1728 Words à |à 7 PagesThe short stories ââ¬Å"The Idolâ⬠by Adolfo Bioy Casares and ââ¬Å"Axolotlâ⬠by Julio Cortà ¡zar address the notion of obsession, and the resulting harm that can come from it. Like all addictions, obsession makes one feel overwhelmed, as a single thought comes to continuously intruding our mind, causing the individual to not be able to ignore these thoughts. In ââ¬Å"Axolotlâ⬠, the narr ator is drawn upon the axolotls at the Jardin des Plantes aquarium and his fascination towards the axolotls becomes an obsession. InRead MoreGothic Short Story1447 Words à |à 6 Pages The End. In the short story, ââ¬Å"Emma Barrett,â⬠the reader follows a search party group searching for a missing girl named Emma deep in a forest in Oregon. The story follows through first person narration by a group member named Holden. This story would be considered a gothic short story because of its use of setting, theme, symbolism, and literary devices used to portray the horror of a missing six-year-old girl. Plot is the literal chronological development of the story, the sequence of events
Antigone-Analysis of Creons speech free essay sample
After the war between Oedipusââ¬â¢ two sons Eteocles and Polyneices killed both brothers, Creon, their uncle, ascended to the throne as the nearest kinsman. This speech is Creonââ¬â¢s first as king and its main aims are to explain his legitimacy, outline his political ideals and justify his proclamation regarding the treatment of Polyneices. Being an astute speaker, Creonââ¬â¢s speech contained effective usage of the art of persuasion, showing his shrewdness, inflexibility and arrogance. By contrasting Antigoneââ¬â¢s earlier decision, it plays in important role in plot development, bringing out the central theme of conflict, creating tension and building up the rising action. Regarding the overall structure of Creonââ¬â¢s speech, the order of his choice of topics masks his rash decision under a justified appearance, reflecting the great care taken into detailed planning. He starts off with a conventional opening, crediting the gods dutifully for their continuous guardianship of Thebes with the commonly used ship-of-state metaphor, ââ¬Å"Gentlemen, after tossing the life of our city on the great waves of the ocean, the gods have safely righted it once more. â⬠This displays Creonââ¬â¢s loyalty to the gods as any good king would, presenting an appealing image of himself. The traditional element is pleasing to most conservative elders, providing them with a sense of security under the new kingââ¬â¢s rule, and hence, his later judgments, however unusual it may be. Creon intentionally did not start by announcing his proclamation at the beginning as its unconventional nature tends to be frowned upon to say the least, or even be rejected by the conservative elders. Creon is very well aware of this and delays his announcement, addressing the conventional first. Afterwards, Creon moves onto flattering the chorus (elders), recounting their faithful service under King Laius, Oedipus, and his descendants, ââ¬Å"I know that you always respectedâ⬠¦ and againâ⬠¦ and when he died, you still stood by his children with unwavering loyaltyâ⬠before affirming the legitimacy of his own rule. Here, Creon uses flattery as a reminder that the eldersââ¬â¢ loyalty lie with the king, and hints that as he is now king, they should serve as him as true heartedly as they did his precedents. Again, he cleverly applies the eldersââ¬â¢ sense of responsibility to gain their support. He then continues on with outlining his principles (lines168- 180), and only after that does he announce his proclamation regarding the treatment of Polyneices. By this order, Creon was able to first gain the eldersââ¬â¢ support, then show that his actions were ââ¬Å"in accordance withâ⬠his principles, making his judgment appear to be a sound argument based on valid political ideals. Creonââ¬â¢s masterful technique in masking absurdity with reason fully reflects that he is politically astute and a calculating man. Moreover, the crafty use of pronouns exhibits Creonââ¬â¢s ability to convince. As the first person plural ââ¬Å"weâ⬠appeals to the public (chorus), it provides a sense of unity among the audience, being reminded that they should cooperate with Creon in governing Thebes, and that they should strive towards a common goal, Creonââ¬â¢s goal, in making this city ââ¬Å"greatâ⬠. As they are responsible for abiding by these principles, it would only be appropriate that they agree with Creonââ¬â¢s proclamation based on these principles. Another effective use of the third person pronoun ââ¬Å"itâ⬠is seen in ââ¬Å"it has been proclaimed to the cityâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ , where instead of ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠, the active agent (Creon) being mentioned, any biased personal opinion of Creon himself is presented as impersonal and of good judgment, further enhancing the credibility of the proclamation. Once again, Creon is able to appeal to his audienceââ¬â¢s emotions and takes the utmost care even in the choice of pronouns, being very persuasive speaker. Meanwhile, Creon is also able to manipulate the eldersââ¬â¢ emotions and prejudices to achieve his goal of justifying his actions. Inflated language (hyperbole), most notably, the superlative adjective ââ¬Å"greatestâ⬠used to describe Eteocles gives the audience an exaggerated heroic image and thus his respectful treatment of the noble dead seems only reasonable. In stark contrast to this was the treatment of Polyneicesââ¬â¢ body, which wasnââ¬â¢t even given a proper burial. The juxtaposition of the polarized extremes with syntactic patterningtwo sentences paralleling each other, effectively contrasts the praise for the hero (Eteocles) and condemnation for the traitor (Polyneices). The heroic image of Eteocles adds up to the emphasis on the crimes of the traitor, hence making Creonââ¬â¢s treatment of him reasonable, as it is suited for a criminal. Also, the role of gothic imagery should not be undermined. Being a demagogue, a political leader who appeals to the popular desires and beliefs of the people, Creon paints gory visual images where Polyneices is said to be ââ¬Å"burning downâ⬠Thebes, ââ¬Å"drinkingâ⬠the blood of his brother, almost vampire-like and ââ¬Å"throwingâ⬠the people into slavery in order to repulse the audience, evoking their anger and fear. However in reality, this is just an exaggerated assumption, the eldersââ¬â¢ emotions being toyed with, falling in line with Creonââ¬â¢s expectations. Here, Creon exhibits strong persuasive skills, being a manipulative speaker, striving to achieve his ultimate aim at the cost of others. On the other hand, the choice of wordings and use of language effectively enhances the absolute tone of this speech, meanwhile revealing Creonââ¬â¢s fatal flawââ¬âhis arrogant, impulsive character. Emphatic declaratives are used in outlining Creonââ¬â¢s principles, for example, ââ¬Å"I know thisâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ I will make this city greatâ⬠, showing Creonââ¬â¢s excessive confidence in his own judgments. Along with absolute language like ââ¬Å"A man whoâ⬠¦ is worthlessâ⬠ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ I say he is nothingâ⬠, the over-confident, definite words of Creonââ¬â¢s speech adds a bluntness to his tone, showing his inflexible and headstrong character. It also acts as a reflection of his arrogance, a characteristic shortcoming that will eventually lead to punishment by the gods and his ultimate downfall as he challenges the godsââ¬â¢ authority. Not only did Creonââ¬â¢s speech reflect his personalities, it also contributes a good deal in building up tension for the rising action in the play. Firstly, the order in which Creonââ¬â¢s speech is presented is of great importance. It is positioned immediately after Antigone speaks of her decision to bury Polyneices in a secret discussion with Ismene. Both parties hold strong determination in their respective decisions, and as one is revealed directly after the other, and Creon is unaware of Antigoneââ¬â¢s decision, it leads the audience to wonder: what will happen next? They anticipate the upcoming conflict between the two opposing forces and hence, suspense is created. At the same time, Antigone and Creonââ¬â¢s basic values are juxtaposed, the former professing her faith in traditional bonds of kinship (philos), the latter holding his beliefs in loyalty to the state (polis). Each represents fundamental ideological differences, deeming the two incompatible. Thus, ensuing clashes during confrontation will be expected. Moreover, this speech itself, spoken by a demagogue, is fueled with passion and bold determination, a demonstration of Creonââ¬â¢s unyielding personality. Equally as steadfast and unwavering is Antigone with her choice to go against the kingââ¬â¢s word. Hence if a head-on collision between Antigone and Creon is set in due course, it would be expected to be not only a heated debate but a fight with ghastly consequences. Overall, Creon is a skilled demagogue who crafted his speech with great care, making an abundant usage of rhetorical techniques to pursue his ultimate aim of justifying his proclamation. Hence, he is shown to be shrewd and manipulative, a confident leader with his tone reflecting his arrogance. However it is later known that this is far from the truth, as his insecurity, cruelty and impulsiveness are concealed. This speech plays a significant role in introducing the central theme of conflict, presenting polis in contrast with philos, heating up the situation and its tension quickly building up the rising action, conflict ready to break out any second.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The Farnsworth House Essay Sample free essay sample
The Farnsworth House was designed and constructed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. The undertaking was commissioned in 1945 by Dr. Edith Farnsworth. a affluent nephrologist who intent to construct a particular piece of modern architecture. She bought a 60-acre estate site which was located 89 km sou-west of Chicago business district for the edifice to be constructed. The purpose of the design was to make a weekend retreat for the client to prosecute in her avocations. Mies finally created a 1500 square pess elevated steel and glass house. Mies included the design in an exhibition on his work in the Museum of Modern Art in 1947. The existent building of the house happened between 1950 and 1951. The Farnsworth House is widely recognized by the populace as an architectural chef-doeuvre of modern architecture. It was declared as a National Historic Landmark in 2006. The Farnsworth House adopted an extended rectangular signifier like Miesââ¬â¢ old undertaking the Barcelona Pavilion. We will write a custom essay sample on The Farnsworth House Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The house can be divided into two major constituents. the inhabited glass house and the front patio. Two sets of stairss connected the land to patio and so the inhabited infinite. The pick of building stuffs in the Farnsworth House is evident. Large ceiling to floor glass was used to wrap around the full life infinite so that all internal infinite can be exposed to the natural milieus with the exclusion of the bathrooms and mechanical room which are bounded by a cardinal nucleus of wall. The structural units which stretch between the ceiling and the floor slab are eight broad rim steel columns installed on the outside of the glass house. They were painted white to specify the border of the slabs. The attack of exterior structural member ensures a maximal country of internal infinite. The site context was really of import to the pick of the location of the edifice. In this instance. the purpose is clear. which is to stress on the relationship between homo and nature. The Farnsworth House was situated on the inundation field merely near the border of the Fox River so that it can overlook the river in the nearest distance. The attack was really instead unsafe as the implosion therapy of the river may destruct the house. In order to forestall the house from the river inundation. the inhabited infinite was elevated 1. 6 m above the land on a raised floor platform. doing it looks like it is drifting. The multiple grading of the patios which connect with the stepss echoes with the inclining topography of the inundation field. Mies addressed basic issues refering relationship between persons and modern society. Persons should populate in harmoniousness in respect to ever-changing environment. The solution was to set up a regulation for making infinite. As the Farnsworth House served as a weekend retreat. a complete control of the infinite by the dweller is important. Mies chose to utilize unobstructed internal infinite to appreciate the freedom of persons therefore allowing control of the infinite to the dweller. Furthermore. the retreat thought should divide the society and the dweller. in which the method is to emerge the person wholly in the natural milieus. The usage of steel columns and big pieces of ceiling to floor glass as the boundary of infinite minimalizes the abstract distance between internal infinite and exterior environment. The thin glass besides acts as frames that integrate out-of-door scenery without impacting the inside ambiance. Besides the exterior steel model construction reduces the demand for opaque concrete wall into lower limit. The kernel in Miesââ¬â¢ designs lies in the functionality of stuffs. non the signifier of the edifice itself. In order to prolong the continuity of simpleness throughout the design. every item of the house was taken into careful consideration. When taking a close scrutiny at the articulations of the columns and the slabs. one can non separate welding point. The stopper weld connexion method has achieved jointless coating with the attempt of smoothing and painting work so that the steel frame can be read as a individual piece. Other inside informations. such as the spread between bordering elements layering the ceiling and floor besides shows the battle in simpleness and functionality. Less is more. Form follows map. In the head of Mies van der Rohe. modern architecture does non simply provide shelter for human being from the environing environment. In the instance of the Farnsworth House. it acts as a threshold. a rapprochement between human and nature. The glass wall and steel frame construction have transcended their actual map into an encounter minute of two detached universes. The Farnsworth House blends itself absolutely with clip into the natural background. as if it is ever dependent of it.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Comparison and Contrast of Prometheus Bound and Frankenstein essays
Comparison and Contrast of Prometheus Bound and Frankenstein essays Comparison/Contrast between Aeschyluss Prometheus and Shellys Frankenstein Modern Prometheus, commonly know as Frankenstein, is the complete title to Mary Shelleys novel, in reference to the Greek myth involving Prometheus, a deity. The novel, the title being quite fitting, uses major themes involved with the Prometheus mythology for and against the moral she created. Themes such as isolation and loneliness were used as well as elements of fate and father-son relationships. In Prometheus Bound and Frankenstein, the protagonists are very alike in many ways. They created life, stole and got punished for what they did. Prometheus was a clever deity and a master craftsman who had the gift of prophecy. He created man from the spark of heaven for the purpose of creating a noble being, nobility that many Gods abused. He taught man the many crafts that were necessary for mans survival. He enlightened man so that they would not have to do their own work. Prometheus taught man astronomy, to know seasons and animal domestication. He gave them language. He instructed his creation on how to build carriages and ships. He also gave them powers of medicine, soothsaying and extracting metals from the earth. He teaches them the beginning of civilization and changes their lives completely. But man lacked one crucial gift, that of fire. Fire was sacred to the Gods. Prometheus was unable to bestow such a grant to man because Zeus, the cardinal God, denied it. P rometheus, loving his creation considerably stole the fire and concealed it in the stem of a plant. Prometheus who gave men every art and every science finally gave them fire. Knowing that there would be consequences to his actions, the protagonist sacrificed himself. Zeus, discovering this act, has Prometheus chained to the rocks of a desolate mountain named Mount Caucasus where a vult...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Candle Making Basics
Candle Making Basics The use of candles for light and heat is known to have existed in ancient times. The remains of candles have been found in the caves of France. It is believed that cavemen used them while painting and etching on the walls. It is believed those candles where made out of animal fat. The Egyptians used candles as well by dripping beeswax onto leave stems. The burning process of a candle involves the four basic elements of matter which are solids, liquids, gas, and plasma. Today candle making is a fun hobby or craft. For some, it is a very profitable business venture. Candle making provides you with they ability to create wonderful designs and crafts out of your candles. There is no limit to the shapes, sizes, and colors you can make your candles in. A candle is a device to provide light or fragrance. Candles have become very popular for the wonderful aromas more than for their ability to produce light. Some candles give off a popular smell such as vanilla or jasmine. Others smell like a chocolate cake or cinnamon rolls. The body of a candle is generally made of paraffin wax. It can also be made out of beeswax. Paraffin wax is a natural wax that comes from plants. This wax can be purchased from Petroleum Refinery or the Specialty Wax Processor. Beeswax is also considered a natural wax, and is taken from honeybees. This is the substance the bees use to construct their honeycombs. A wick is placed in the center of the wax before it dries. The wick is made of cotton fibers that have been braided together. The wick is very thin, but also very powerful. Sometimes candle makers will use a wick that is wider than normal to increase the size of the flame. Safety is a very important part of candle making. The temperature of the hot wax can result in severe burns. There is also the risk of fire. Make sure your candle making area is set up properly and that you have a fire extinguisher in the area. Clean up spills quickly as they will become very slick, leading to falls if you walk across them. To make candle making fun instead of frustrating, start will making simple candles. This is a great opportunity for you to discover what works well with your set up and gives you the chance to make necessary changes. Initially, work at implementing good safety habits and melting your wax at the proper temperatures. You will also want to experiment with your cooling process. Once you have these areas down, you will start to relax and the process will become more natural to you. This is the right time to start experimenting with dyes, scents, and shapes for your candles. The candle making process is easy to follow if you take your time and learn from your mistakes. Those who are impatient and take multitasking to an extreme will most likely not enjoy the art of candle making. However, it is very enjoyable by those who have plenty of time to take with the process and who enjoy creating things. Candle making supplies arenââ¬â¢t expensive so use the best you can. This will also help ensure your candles form well and burn properly.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Shakespeare and Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Shakespeare and Film - Essay Example Kurosawan depiction of Shakespearean heroes follows the same intense pattern with rich historical background, and similar to Shakespeareââ¬â¢s approach the Japanese director used his work to comment on the history of Japan. The movie that is under discussion is titled ââ¬Å"Throne of bloodâ⬠that is a transposition of a Shakespeareââ¬â¢s most renowned tragedy ââ¬Å"Macbethâ⬠. Both stories are not only intense political dramas but also gives great deal of insight into the psyche of a psychotic killer. (Goodwin, 1994) Akira Kurosawa has translated all aspects and themes of Macbeth into Japanese culture by setting the story against the backdrop of one of the most turbulent times in Japan that is often referred to as the ââ¬Å"Sengoku Jidaiâ⬠which means ââ¬Å"The age of the country at warâ⬠. The events have been believed to have transpired during the Muromachi period, a time when the violation of the samurai code was rampant and a serious moral misconduct i n the Japanese society. Analogously, the backdrop of the machinations of a brave yet, misguided Scottish general named Macbeth, who is represented by Samurai Washizu in the film as he plots to gain control over the throne of the Spider web forest reigned by Lord Tsuzuki. (Galloway, 2005; Rowe, 2011; Yoshimoto, 2000) Kurosawa has incorporated elements of Noh Theater, which is the traditional Japanese theatrical presentation in the film. The movie also delves deep in to spiritual aspect of the movie in order to make it more relatable to the Japanese audiences and show the multitude of interpretations that can be drawn from Shakespearean text. The movie starts off by showing the facade of the Spider web castle, which highlights the primary theme of the story that is ââ¬Å"lust and pursuit of powerâ⬠. The supernatural elements are introduced into the first scene of the movie and unlike Macbeth the three witches are represented by an old ghost woman, spinning fabric with a wheel as Samurai Washizu and his companion Samurai Miki; who corresponds to the character of Banquo, are making their journey back to the castle through the forest. (Kunio, 2005) Kurosawa has used mist and fog as key elements of the opening shots in order to show the ambiguity and doubt that will haunt all the main characters in the movie. The misty visualization can also be taken to represent that superficial pursuit for greater wealth, power and position can cloud oneââ¬â¢s judgment and often lead to an unsettled conscience constantly lambasting the individual. Another observation that further supports the postulation regarding the theme that Kurosawa wanted to incorporate in his movie was the use of ââ¬Å"Spinning wheelâ⬠by the spirit that is a vague reference to the notion of karma and the belief of ââ¬Å"what goes around comes aroundâ⬠. The movieââ¬â¢s production had commenced during a time when Japan was overcoming one of the greatest disaster that it has endured du ring the Second World War as a result of the nuclear bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was the same carnage and violence that was then recreated in the movie with the use of intense shots of bloodshed and brutality that shows the ravages of war. Kurosawa has not only attempted to entail the bloody themes of Macbeth but also the painful tragedy that affected the entire Japanese society immensely. Furthermore, besides the generic message that the director has encompassed in the movie, the entry of Lady
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Exploring the strength of social media in marketing strategy Essay
Exploring the strength of social media in marketing strategy - Essay Example Social media has gained support from a business marketer known as Radian6. Radian6 has enabled many organizations to turn into Socially Engaged Enterprises containing the ability to understand and obtain useful information about social media through measurement, sentiment, metrics, and analytics reporting (Safko 31-33). It is also through social media listening, monitoring, tracking and engagement tools that motivate many organizations adopt social media strategy. In addition, Radian6 advices on how to utilize social media guidelines, case studies, the best practices, and educating the staff thus enhancing easy understanding of the impact that both the Social CRM and Social Graph have on their business. Social Media Marketing has paved way for developing buzz and visibility for brands, services, companies, and products. Through consulting solutions, it has provided many companies with extensive connectivity within its target audience; which is an effective way of developing conversations and interacting with consumers. Marketers obtain the skills of identifying important metrics (Evans 67). Furthermore, they are in position to determine measures of social media in their firms in turn having the ability of providing the return measurement for the plans before and after implementation. Social media also provides extensive visibility, increasing sales significantly and reducing costs involved with traditional lead generation systems, email marketing campaign and cold calling. They face many limitations such as difficulty in identifying the best practices, determining the effectiveness of their campaigns, having no idea of where to start, and working under full time resources. Social media addresses all these challenges with the aim of improving their business. Social brand conversation provides solutions that allow customers to engage in end-users for better networking, collaboration, well lead generation, loyalty building, thought
Friday, January 24, 2020
Competitve Analysis of The PC Industry :: essays research papers
.0 Introduction The opening of the 21st century arrived with an economic limp. Dragging behind it a spirit squeezed by imploded exuberance, the economy led some to give up on change and growth. Companies cut new programs, pulled out of or shut down corporate ventures, retrenched and played it safe. Yet, simmering barely beneath the surface we can see powerful drivers of change and growth still at work, building pressure for the next upswing in the megacycles of economy. We never had a ââ¬Å"New Economyâ⬠; we had an evolving innovation economy. Surviving and prospering, calls for a sound grasp of the drivers of change. The fact that there has never been a ââ¬Å"golden companyâ⬠that consistently beat the market is due to differing principles under which capital markets and corporations operates. Markets, built on the assumption of ââ¬Å"discontinuityâ⬠enable, manage and control the process of creative destruction by encouraging new entrants that produce superior results and value by ââ¬Å"remorselesslyâ⬠replacing weak performers that consume wealth. This process is has always been at the heart of capitalism, but the pace of change is accelerating to the extent that we have entered what Peter Drucker calls the Age of Discontinuity. à à à à à Organizations in todayââ¬â¢s hypercompetitive world face the paradoxical challenges of ââ¬Å"dualismâ⬠, that is, functioning efficiently today while innovating effectively for tomorrow. The purpose of this case study is to analyze, understand and prepare strategies to overcome the impacts and implications of introduction of the $15 PC by Rolltronics towards my Computer firm named ââ¬ËCompany Xââ¬â¢ by using the Theory of Disruptive Technology and Innovative Management. 2.0 Personal Computer Industry Overview à à à à à The market for laptop computers has distinguished itself as one of the fastest growing segments of the computer industry. Throughout its growth and development, this market, like many others, has changed a great deal as a result of customer demands. In an effort to cater to these demands, companies like Dell and HP look to market trends to aid in the development of new products. In most recent stages, the laptop market has been specifically influenced by a number of trends. Simply, customers are becoming more educated about their purchases. As a result of these consumer educations, buyers want increased customization of PCs. The growing amount of knowledge is creating the ability for buyers to distinguish their own personal need in a computer from a standardized product. à à à à à The laptop market is growing faster than desktop computers.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Homeless essay Essay
Most homeless people are responsible for their own problems. Do you agree? In this essay I will be pointed out facts about the homeless people in London and I will be analysing if it is there fault for being homeless or our fault. There are thousands of people who roam around the streets of London looking for a patch to sleep and somewhere to eat. Children and adults leave there houses because of family problems and many more scenarios. There are many people living around the streets of London and the world. They face problems that force them to leave there home and the majority of the time it is because of money problems and family problems. They leave houses to travel the streets and live in alleyways and face the whether which can turn bad in the winter. The question that I will investigate is it their fault that there homeless. The majority of homeless people are homeless because it has been their fault. Their problems that they have faced have pushed them to leave home and loose any luxuries they had. Any homeless people do not even try to gain a job to support them in any way. Many people think that they should get a job as many do have some qualifications that can help them. This is a sign of being lazy which cannot benefit them in any way and they deserve to be homeless if they act in this way. They clanger ways to get moneys from people by begging in crowded areas and doing an act to endure people to give money. This is the easy route out and if homeless people do this then no simperfy should be given. More than three hundred thousand was given to beggars over a period of two months n London and was spent on drugs and alcohol. This is a good example of why no money should be given to beggars, as they will only harm themselves and people around them. Many homeless people by the drugs because they fell that they have nothing and drugs might be a way to get a boost to survive day-to-day life on the streets. Many homeless people refuse shelter because they think that they can get by without them. This is a sign of being shellfish and people shouldnââ¬â¢t tolerate it. Many immigrants flee to the UK because they think that it is their escape route out of their country because of poverty or war. They come into this country and such onto our money that has been give. They stay homeless for a while and as soon as a chance comes they will take it. They should get out and get a job because it will help them and maybe their future family. Many homeless people who have no options available to them do drastic things to gain some money to support them for the day or week. Many professional all beggars get eighty pounds a day, which is tax-free. This is ridiculous as it is more than people get in a day for going out and doing work. This is a prime example as to why money shouldnââ¬â¢t be given to them. Some homeless people who want to get out of the situation cannot because they are too lazy to find out information about numbers to call for help such as childline and social services. There is an magazine that can help the homeless it is called the big issue and it aim to help the homeless by telling them what to do and numbers to call. It is a big help for people who want to get out of the situation. It is a free paper and could get homeless people back on a property. I think that some homeless people are to blame themselves, as they do not want help of any sort. In this part of the investigation I will be analysing the support side to this argument. There is another side to which I think that is to be announced about homeless people. The things that have happened to them are not their fault. This problem could of happened to anyone. This is why there are many charities open to help the homeless who will provide food and a shelter for them to sleep in. the big issue is a big help. Keith smith at thebig issue agrees that it is not fair to tell people that they mustnââ¬â¢t give money to beggars. The government has made a good contribution to this case, as ninety two per cent of families are now living in tempary accommodation in a good maintained house with a bath, bedrooms and living room. The government hopes to get as many homeless people into homes by 2010. This is a great achievement for the people who want to move home. There are many groups that go into the streets and provide food and shelter to the homeless. People should give money to charities because it will have more of an effect as if you give it to the homeless in person they could just by drugs or alcohol with it. I think in my judgement that homeless people are not to blame, as they cannot help was has happened to them. They need help, which is provided by different services. A small amount of money is all that is needed to support them. With a new priminister in power I think that he will tackle the problem in a quick way. He could bring the time from 2010 to now which could help the homeless even more.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Solartronics Case Essay - 851 Words
Controllership February 29th, 2012 Solartronics Inc. Case 10-2 1. In light of the expected, average monthly profit of $30,000, January results were so poor because the budgeted average monthly sales should be $250,000. This is calculated by dividing the $3,000,000 in sales by 12 months. Unfortunately the actual average monthly sales turned out to be $ 165,000. Another reason that results were so poor is because they were in a normal seasonal downturn. Furthermore, during this period, fixed costs also continued to be high which meant that the total allocation of the fixed costs was not spread over a large scale. 2. Various external forces could help the company analyze the January performance. Some of these factors include:â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦It is in the fast-moving, complex, high competitive health care businesses. It is hard to make a prediction for the future and so the view point is likely to be short-tem focus. It might have adverse effect on long-term corporate performance. Each subsidiary has to develop a five- and ten-year strategic plan and use it as guidance for short-tem profit plans and budgets. Some of its advantages include: Its long lasting performance and the systemââ¬â¢s effectiveness. Using the five- and ten-year planning concept, managers are required to include in their plans an explanation of how and why their estimations have changed over time. This allows the company to adjust their thinking over time and to achieve ex-post learning. 3. The center of the control function is the Executive Committee comprising the chairman, president, chief financial officer, vice president of administration, and eight Executive Committee members with responsibilities for company sectors This is a decentralized setup that is necessary for their success. Each subsidiary reports to a member of the Executive Committee. On the other hand, each company develops its own plans and strategies, which remain, fixed over a five-year period. The managers set their targets themselves but also held responsible for their actions. Next, they move toward the goals based on their own
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